Thursday 10 July 2008

And so it begins.....

This blog is really to help me keep track with what is going on, if anyone reads it that would be nice, but hey I'm not fussy. The title refers to the end aim in all this (not that I'm entirely sure this is possible but hopefully by aiming high I should improve my current situation somewhat). My family is orginally from Scotland and we have a castle with lots and lots of land up there. Unfortunately (for yours truely) the aged relative who owned the castle lost her marbles and in a final moment of madness, sold it. The castle itself is in no danger as it's in trust (hopefully meaning that nothing barbaric can be done to it) but I have to say our family (and me in particular) would quite like it back! (There is a slight problem in that the last time it was valued it was worth nine and a half million, but hey, you've got to have goals.) At the moment I reside in Abingdon in Oxfordshire (if you've never been please do visit, its lovely), in a semi detached house in the north of the town. I work full time for one of the large Oxford publishers, my hope is however that over the next year I will become more self sufficient and need to rely less on my full time job and concentrate more on what I'd prefer to be doing (and put away some all important castle money). That's it for now I will post again with an update but for the moment I better get some proper work done!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can't leave us hanging like that! Name the castle or else the hounds will be set loose on your home-grown rhubarb


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