Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Tell me why I don't like Tuesday's?

Its true, they are my least favourite day of the week. The excitement of a Monday with the heady prospect of clearing my inbox has vanished and all that remains is this feeling of kind of nothingness. Wednesday's are usually slightly better because of my violin lessons (I've reached the stage in my next grade where I'm actually tackling the pieces, as opposed to ignoring them in the vague hope they go away, but the weather keeps on sending Benji out of tune, he hates the winter and summer).

So what has been going on? Well my parents came down for the weekend after looking after my nanna. Unfortunately my mum got really ill so most of the weekend was spent looking after her. They were supposed to come down last weekend so I had already made plans for this Sat night (the dreaded valentines night). I decided that rather than stay home I would do something I knew I would enjoy. So my friend Ali and I went to the Oxfolk Ceiligh in Kennington. When we got there I only got one dance with Ali and then we were asked to dance by a variety of older gentlemen (I was actually pretty pleased to be asked for every dance but its fair to say there was quite an age gap :-) I think however a good time was had by all.

Sunday my parents got up and left pretty early so witchcat and I had a lazy morning and I went of a bit of a mini cleaning splurge in the afternoon. Mat M had invited me round for dinner so come nighfall I headed off to his well wrapped up & clutching plonk. He cooked Thai green curry for me which was lush, we also disposed of a dead rat from behomd his sofa but that really is another tale... Last night Lindsay, Sam, Zoe & I tackled the pub quiz. I hope we did okay but the full results won't be announced till later today (we know we didn't come top three and hopefully we aren't last) , Lunchtime I've got a meeting with the dramatic society who I've offered to help with theiir costumes (Austin dress update, I've ordered the pattern it should be here sometime this week, next up is the search for material, I'm thinking white with baby blue flowers if I can get it, or maybe light blue, or mauve oh the decisions...) and tonight I've got an Oxford Folk fest meeting (its scarily close). Exciting stuff.

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