Monday, 21 July 2008

Monday, Monday here again

Morning! Its on days like these that I wonder where the weekends go but this week I don't have that excuse as I did everything possible to get done in a weekend and then some. It all started with an early get up on Saturday to head down to Steventon for the first day of Truck. The Lemonheads were headlining (I wasn't that excited about this as they are a bit before my time) but was very excited to discover the Ralfe Band and Martin Simpson were playing. Watched both, spoke to lovely Garo (part of the band Goldrush but he has folky tendencies, oh and did I mention he is gorgeous? Even though he now has a moustache), bought some earrings, left, feeling quite merry (its the pear cider I tells you).

Sunday woke up with a hangover, muttered something about staying away from pear cider in future, took painkillers went to see the bees. Elizabeth & her swarm doing very well (they still haven't stung me, lovely lot) but they seem to be trying to raise new queens (we found several queen cups but all of them were empty, so it doesn't look like they are serious about swarming yet. I think they have been picking up bad habits from Virginia's bees next door who had swarmed and superseded their queen. The new Virgin queen was found marked and clipped but there was no sign of them doing anything unusual last week (looks like I might have to keep a closer than usual eye on my lot). I also gained another Orchid plant from the farm shop (I know, I know, but it was cheap and clearly in need of rescue). Then last night Mel's alto's from her choir came round for high tea (I was put in charge of cucumber sandwiches) and I went round to see Beth & Nick two friends who have just moved in together round the corner from me (I gave Beth a glass painted candle holder and a spider plant that I'd grown on from a cutting).

This week it seems to be all happening. Nichy my friend from University is coming to stay next weekend, I've got a violin lesson (and hopefully my results) tonight and my seaweed presentation in London on Wednesday, hectic week!

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